Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Insights into the State of Small Business in 2016

State of Small Business Report

You left the day job and struck out on your own.

You dared to dream and from the outside the idea looked good. You talked it over with friends and family and they gave you the thumbs up. It made total sense.

At the time….

The business plan was written and that all important brand name was chosen over a few drinks with friends. All good.  Now your 2 years in and the cash flow isn’t what you expected. In fact it is less than what you were earning before. It’s just one big struggle.

You’re not alone.

But what can you do? From where you sit it just looks like an endurance race with no joy or end in site.

An inside look

One of the best ways to plan and grow your business is to get an inside look at what other business owners are doing. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lifestyle biz blogger, run an ecommerce website or a traditional type of business. Business is still business.

What strategies are they using to get their message out there?

What goals do they have in place for the next year?

That sort of information is normally hard to come by, but this State of Small Business Report, by my friend Josh Turner has got it all. This industry study, drawn from the survey results of over 1,200 small business owners, can give you a real understanding of the state of small businesses today, and what they’ve got planned for 2016.

The result is an in-depth, eye-opening report, which you can get for free right now:

The state of small business growth

This report will take you into the minds of over 1,200 business owners and show you…

  • What motivates them to grow their business
  • What their biggest challenges are
  • What processes they have in place to generate leads and add new clients
  • How they’ve differentiated themselves in their markets – or what they’ve tried that didn’t work

And that’s just scratching the surface.

The information in this report is very telling, and it’s all here for you to use to your advantage in 2016!

An alarming fact

In all honesty, some of this information is alarming. One of the craziest stats in this blog, is that over 80% of responders say that their current lead generation strategies are NOT sufficient to reach their goals.

State of Small Business Report Josh Turner

Fortunately, the data also shows the path to avoiding the pitfalls that many businesses encounter. Josh’s report will reveal how you can use this data to your advantage – go take a look now

This is an outstanding report on the “State of Small Business in 2016″ is filled with some very smart insights to help you grow and scale your business.

I highly recommend you check it out

Another thing

I have an interview coming up with Josh later this week. So keep an eye out for that. We have a more in depth chat about the state of business in 2016.

We also get into what you can do to win in 2016 and get ahead in life and as an entrepreneur.

Download the “State of Small Business Report” here.

The post Insights into the State of Small Business in 2016 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

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