Friday, August 12, 2016

#SproutChat Recap: Using Social Media for Social Good

As social media professionals, we should consider allocating our time and expertise to causes that we’re passionate about. Social is a unique place for charitable organizations to gain exposure and support from a wide network. This week at #SproutChat, Sprout All Star David Pride joined us to discuss how he has allocated his knowledge on social media to several causes including Hope for the Arctic and The Sloth Institute of Costa Rica.

Find a Cause You Truly Care About

There are so many organizations and causes that need support and the internet has made it possible to find a variety of nonprofits. Start by researching and identifying an organization that really motivates you. Ask your friends what nonprofits they’re involved in and follow Twitter hashtags like #volunteer, #cause or #donate for a better idea of where you can get involved. With so many options available, you might just have a tough time narrowing it down to just one charity to support!

A1: I started by reading articles about topics that are close to my heart and researching organizations they mentioned. #sproutchat

— David Pride (@DavidaPride) August 10, 2016

A1 Word of mouth is the key. 60% of people in the US don't trust charities. #sproutchat

— Sheldon Pearce (@sheldonpearce) August 10, 2016

A1: Facebook Events, Word of Mouth and searching relevant hashtags #SproutChat

— Rachel Sprouse (@SprouseRachel) August 10, 2016

A1: Not sure what you're looking for? Ask what causes those around you are passionate about! It helps to support with others. #SproutChat

— Rebecca Albert (@BeccaAtSocial) August 10, 2016

A1. If you're passionate about it, you'll find them anywhere. Lookup profiles, follow hashtags, talk about things that matter. #SproutChat

— Ayesha Ambreen (@AyeshaAmbreen) August 10, 2016

A1. Also this website is cool

— Chris Desadoy (@EliteYouTubePro) August 10, 2016

I'd be remiss if I didn't plug our friends @VolunteerMatch here – great resource to find a local cause you can help! #SproutChat

— Sarah Nagel (@sprout_sarah) August 10, 2016

Make the Biggest Impact by Lending Your Expertise

Time is one of the most impactful things that you can donate. Gain valuable experience and make a difference by donating your social media marketing skills. You’ll learn how to operate on a budget, how to motivate a community and undoubtedly work with people from different backgrounds. As with any volunteer work, ensure that expectations are clear from the start by remaining upfront with your availability.

For big events non-profits often forget about live social media at the event. That's a great area to volunteer for #sproutchat

— David Pride (@DavidaPride) August 10, 2016

A2: For charitable marketing, social media targeted ads can be helpful. but some nonprofits have limited budgets. (1/2) #SproutChat

— Kevin Pack (@kevpack) August 10, 2016

A2. You can volunteer for organizations and help them with promoting their worthy causes with your unique social media skills. #sproutchat

— Cheval John (@chevd80) August 10, 2016

A2: Depending on how well connected you are, helping can be retweeting or otherwise amplifying the group's SM efforts. #sproutchat

— Richard Hostler (@PCC_Hostler) August 10, 2016

A2b: you can either volunteer time to help them and consult, join boards or simply help spread the message! #SproutChat

— Heather Found (@HeatherFound) August 10, 2016

Aim to Build Strong Relationships

The ability to connect online is great but, on it’s own, the internet won’t allow you to build strong relationships with a nonprofit. Attend fundraisers and events and tell a holistic story by sharing these photos on the organization’s social channels. Don’t forget to ask in-person supporters to share their experiences with their personal online communities.

We have a team of volunteers overseas..they started as just FB fans. It took building an authentic relationship – then we asked #sproutchat

— David Pride (@DavidaPride) August 10, 2016

A5: We have had Hollywood looking photoboards for people to stand in front of for Insta and FB – makes sharing very easy #sproutchat

— David Pride (@DavidaPride) August 10, 2016

A5. You know what makes me feel amazing after I have finished a job for a charity? a hand written thank you note. #demfeels #sproutchat

— Chris Desadoy (@EliteYouTubePro) August 10, 2016

A5: Live tweet events or live stream events #SproutChat

— Searcy Sledge (@SearcySledge) August 10, 2016

A5: Document offline activity through photos and pump it back into your online efforts. Creates accontability and momentum. #sproutchat

— Richard Hostler (@PCC_Hostler) August 10, 2016

A5: Set times/dates/actionable events online, then follow up offline. #sproutchat

— ThinkSEM (@ThinkSEM) August 10, 2016

Participate & Gain Inspiration From Social Campaigns

Check out these successful social campaigns for causes you can get involved in and for inspiration for your own efforts.

A6: I LOVED the World Wildlife Twitter campaign..tweet an animal emoji and they will charge your twitter ad account $1. #sproutchat

— David Pride (@DavidaPride) August 10, 2016

A6: @WaterIsLife #firstworldproblems campaign was AWESOME. Amazing team too. #SproutChat

— Katie Clark (@InsightsGal) August 10, 2016

A6 – Sharing your Ice bucket challenge for ALS on #socialmedia was a brilliant one. #SproutChat

— Susannah the Geek (@greatergoodgeek) August 10, 2016

A6: Donate your birthday by @Charitywater is a great one! #SproutChat

— Bambu by Sprout (@BambuBySprout) August 10, 2016

@SproutSocial A6: #sharethegood by @GoodwillIntl – highlights their mission and positive impact on their communities! #SproutChat

— Jordan Bath (@jbath13) August 10, 2016

A6: @SproutSocial I love what @kindcampaign does with their kind cards. Filled out at in-person events & shared via social #SproutChat

— Brandfolder (@Brandfolder) August 10, 2016

#SproutChat is on vacation next week, but join us any Wednesday at 2 p.m. CDT after that to discuss relevant topics for social media and community managers.

This post #SproutChat Recap: Using Social Media for Social Good originally appeared on Sprout Social.

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