Thursday, October 25, 2018

5 Ways to Get More Leads from Your Cold Emails

According to research, an average person receives 145 emails every day and deletes almost 85% of them even without checking.

The statistics might appear scary, but you should see the bright side too. With some good practices, you can land on the list of that 15% of emails which are opened, read and followed.

I’ll tell you how to do so, but before we proceed, check out these stats on cold call attempts:

  • 1% of cold calls are converted into prospective clients – Keller Research Center.
  • According to the report of Lattice Engines, 42% of sales representatives don’t have the proper information needed for an effective sales call.
  • As per Telenet and Ovation Sales Group, today it takes over 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospective customer.

The main issue is that most of the cold emails aren’t framed properly. Almost 45% of salespeople either create bad subject lines or don’t follow up. As a result, the readers delete the email without even opening it. Also, there’s nothing more annoying than emails stuffed with inauthentic, boring, and template messages.

No wonder, almost 80% of the salespeople fail to achieve their targets. So, what can be done about it?

It’s important to know that statistics play a crucial role in cold calling. The figures will help you in developing proper strategies for sending effective cold emails and boosting up your revenue stream. Note that if the results start crumbling, switch to new strategies right away.

Read on to find out the top 5 ways of generating leads with cold calling.


1. Show respect for your recipient and their time.

This will help you gain your recipient’s trust from the start. Showing you value somebody’s time will make them shell out a few seconds for reading your email. Keep the following points in mind when writing your copy:

  • Get straight to the point and be concise.
  • Highlight the key features and benefits of your services/products.
  • Mention how you can solve the problems of your prospects.
  • Say where they can learn more or request a demo.

Remember, your main aim is to familiarize your products/services to the prospects.


2. Write a strong introduction.

Your intro can be your best asset if used wisely. So, if you want to make a great first impression, never miss the opportunity to nail it, when cold calling. First things first – your name, your company’s name, and then a two-minute overview of the product/service you’re offering. The next steps depend on the needs, interest, and response of the recipient.

Here are the additional elements that can be a part of your cold email’s intro:

  • Mention the solution to one of the problems of your prospect for free.
  • Highlight your expertise and the core value of your products/services

The “freebie” formula will help you in winning your prospect’s trust and increase the probability of your success.


3. Improve the design and copy.

Always keep in mind to create a great email design. CTAs – things like an invitation to sign up for a demo should be in the center of your email.

Everyone has some pressing problems/important issues that need attention everyday. A “little blip” won’t matter unless you show off how big the issue is. Follow the points listed below to earn your prospect’s respect through a good email:

  • Let’s say your target audience is managers of small or medium businesses. They have to deal with countless problems in different areas of their job. Maybe you could provide a solution to one of their problems. So you’ll need to highlight the concern accordingly.
  • Use keywords when drafting the message. It will get the attention and make the prospect respond immediately.
  • Make your cold email fit nicely in the prospect’s workflow. Say a prospect is having a tough day, and your irrelevant email could worsen their mood. As a result, you’ll be marked spam. That would be a huge loss!

If you’re successful at earning your prospects’ respect, you’re sure to get a good number of leads. Like it or not, but the prospects judge the quality of your product/services based on the sales email.


4. Fill your game with politeness and confidence.

You can never go wrong with the “confidence-and-politeness” mix. And, it’s really easy.

Make sure you use power words, especially in the subject line. Make the reader curious. Words like “limited,” “priceless,” “eye-opening,” “key,” “little known,” “interesting,” “extraordinary,” etc., will make your email MUCH more effective. Just remember not to go overboard.

Don’t forget to:

  • Make your audience curious.
  • Use trust-building words.
  • Add a tiny little bit of vanity in the subject line.
  • Add a sense of urgency to your offer.

Cold emails are a very unconventional method of “delighting” the customers. People are very much interested in knowing the secrets of other people. Show them examples of other people who achieved great results with your help. But don’t be overly dramatic when highlighting the stories.

At the same time, respect your prospects’ feelings, help them in identifying their issues, and politely show them you know the simplest way out for those problems. This will make your solution stand out.


5. Highlight the “no obligation” fact.

When people know they aren’t under any obligation to give something back for receiving something, they’re much more likely to reply and reciprocate. You can link to a tutorial, an ebook, or any other useful freebie or resource.

Keep in mind that:

  • You can ask your prospects to do something in return, but place it at the end of your cold email. The request may be subscribing, sharing the email, or anything else.
  • Don’t put any condition for freebie privileges.
  • CTAs should sound more like a request and not a command.


Follow up!

Sending emails repeatedly every day is annoying. It also does you no good, as you come off as desperate. Consider following up after two weeks or so. You can either send a followup email or leave a voicemail to confirm whether they have received your initial mail.

Move on to other leads if there isn’t any response.

Perhaps you need to make some changes in your approach. Maybe your wording, email template or any other element is becoming a problem.

Make cold calling a great experience for your potential audience. Implement these 5 tips to your strategy, and it will surely improve your sales. Generating leads and converting through mailing and cold calling is easy if done the right way.


Author: Abhishek Agrawal is a Founder & CEO at CompanyHub CRM. He likes to write about sales to make sales teams’ tasks easier. You can get in touch with him on Linkedin.


5 Ways to Get More Leads from Your Cold Emails

The post 5 Ways to Get More Leads from Your Cold Emails appeared first on GetResponse Blog - Online Marketing Tips.

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