Wednesday, January 23, 2019

5 Marketing Case Studies and Guides To Improve Your ROI In 2019

5 Marketing Case Studies and Guides To Improve Your ROI In 2019

If we’ve learned anything from online marketing and running a business on the internet, it’s that there are always new and exciting ways to make money online.

Not only are there different traffic sources to benefit from, offers to promote, and many different ways to monetize the content on our sites – there are also many ways to replicate, split test and tweak such campaigns and money making methods as well.

With all of this in mind, one of the best ways to continue to find success online and improve profits month after month is to study other case studies and reports from competitors and big name brands who have already gone through the process.

There are two big reasons why this is a must for everyone to pay attention to:

  1. Oftentimes, companies with a lot of money to burn will release case studies and reports to gain more exposure for their branding. In most cases, they’ve likely spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, or sometimes even millions, on their data reports and case studies. This makes for an excellent and free opportunity for you to learn and benefit from their money.
  2. The other reason is that it’s way too fast and easy to run a quick split test of your own. This applies to nearly all traffic sources and ad campaigns. If you read a quick report and see that the color green works better than blue, try it out! After a day or two, you should have a whole new data set from your own site or campaigns.

In addition to the two points of discussion above, it’s also important to remember that it’s YOU against the WORLD. There are currently more than a billion active websites and blogs on the internet today – all of which are creating content. This means the competition for your site to rank and reach new audiences is growing harder daily.

To help with this process, we’ve listed five excellent tutorials, case studies and reference guides to help you increase earnings, traffic, and conversion in 2019. Enjoy!

510,435 emails with 42.16% average open rate. Here’s what I’ve learned!

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Starting a website or blog from scratch is always going to be tough. The same can be said about starting a newsletter that focuses on internet marketing and the latest trends affecting affiliate marketers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs in the world today. is a daily newsletter that has accomplished just that.

Not only have they drastically grown in subscriber count over the past year but they’ve also done a great job at keeping the quality of their content super high as well.

Knowing all of this, it would be quite interesting to see what type of results and open rates they are seeing with their mailings.

Interestingly enough, WhatTheAff actually just released a full case study of this on their site, and they went on to say “So, from for 500k+ emails, I learned a thing or two about how to create and send stuff people open. The >42% average open rate is not too shabby, is it?” – now that’s a lot of emails, but even crazier is the open rate!

Be sure to check out this write up to see what actionable tips and advice Manu offers to those looking to also increase their email marketing efforts.

How Zappos uses social media networking

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Zappos is one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world today, that can thank social media and customer engagement for their success. In short, Zappos sells shoes online. However, what made them stand out from the crowd and gain new customers, was not only how they connected with customers, but also how they engaged with other brands and media mentions as well.

As pointed out in this social media case study from, Zappos not only put in the time and effort to go outside of the norm, they also had a social media game plan in place.

In short, when someone has a question or feedback about a product, it’s nice to get a response. The same holds true for bloggers that write about a brand or product on their site. A little recognition means the world to both the customer and/or the publisher.

In the case of Zappos, they did an excellent job at catering to both of these areas.

Something Zappos also took advantage of with social media was making sure they secured their username across all platforms, while also making sure the branding was consistent.

To learn more about what Zappos did to help build the brand what they have today (and how you can do the same), be sure to check out this social media case study.

The importance of visual learning and online marketing

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Would you rather read a textbook, or watch a movie? Would you rather read a financial report, or skim through an infographic? Lastly… would you rather search for content through Google, or browse Facebook or Instagram?

In most cases, people are going to pick the ‘visual’ aspect over the alternative. Not only is it more fun but it’s also more engaging and easier to absorb information.

This is something knows all too well. As the creators of an online whiteboard video creation tool, they decided to bring their technology into schools around the country to see how students best relate and engage with visual learning. The results can be seen in the screenshot above, and also in great detail in this video case study found on their site.

Just from the sample feedback that was posted in this report, it’s clear that visual learning and visual content creation is on the rise.

Through their parent company site at simpleshow, they’ve also released more reports and articles on the importance of visual marketing and the best ways to engage with an audience. Such examples included within this video report include using quizzes, visual matching, multiple choice or drag and drop  – as ways to keep learners/online audiences on their toes and having fun.

While this case study might be a small test on how audiences react to whiteboard videos and information they can engage with, it’s also a clear sign of how people around the world prefer to consume data in visual form.

If you aren’t currently using whiteboard videos and visual content to relate and engage with your audience, this case study is a quick must read.

Boost your Instagram revenue and reach with analytics

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As bloggers and content creators, many of us are still focusing the majority (or all) of our efforts on SEO. While SEO is great and definitely has some huge residual benefits from it, there are also some negatives as well – such as how long it takes to rank, increased competition, and also the fact that more people are using mobile and social media to find what they are looking for.

Instagram has quickly become one of the most popular social platforms in the world today. Many people are on it, but not many are making a lot of money with it.

However, that simply isn’t the case with Anthony Carbone – who is also known as “Wolf Millionaire“.

Anthony recently came out with a detailed case study and resource guide of his own on how to use Instagram analytics to keep improving reach, shares, links, and engagement to make money with Instagram. This case study and tutorial is great because it not only walks through several points and methods that you need to follow and use on Instagram, it also includes some nice stats and screenshots as well.

Using these methods, Anthony has amassed well over 18 million followers across his accounts, and created multiple seven-figure businesses in the process.

11 Powerful case studies on how to make money blogging

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Have you ever wanted to make money with your blog and site content? This is a common goal for pretty much everyone with a site or blog. The bad news is that for the newbie entrepreneur-to-be, there are plenty of options out there to choose from, and if you are looking at all of this for the first time it can be quite overwhelming.

Jeff Bullas released his own powerful case study on the many different ways to make money with a blog, along with a working example of each.

This case study and resource guide is great because it not only provides you with a few different methods to choose from, it also has real websites as examples, which allows you to check out the site and break down the monetization process even further.

Even if you are already making money with your blog, this is a definite must read for site owners, bloggers, and content creators alike!

Put these marketing case studies to work, then create a case study of your own

If you’ve found any of these case studies and resource guides useful, be sure to bookmark or share this page and keep reflecting back upon the advice given.

Not only can you continue to improve your online business or brand with each of these methods, but you can also start working on a case study of your own.

No matter what project or campaign you are working on next, be sure to document your progress. After you’ve mastered the process and have seen some solid results, be sure to consider releasing a case study or tutorial of your own.

Guest author: Zac Johnson is a world-renowned blogger and entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in the online marketing space and has helped his readers generate millions of dollars online. He shares his story and guidance at

The post 5 Marketing Case Studies and Guides To Improve Your ROI In 2019 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

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